The Force Impulse Gundam from "Gundam Seed Destiny" joins the REVIVE lineup of Gundam kits from Bandai. This 1/144 scale Force Impulse Gundam, featured in the anime Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny, is brought to you by Bandai Japan. The Impulse Gundam is meant to adapt to battle situations rather than combatting in a specific environment. This Gundam model kit comes with a high-energy beam rifle, vajra beam sabers, a core splendor, and a silhouette flyer. All parts come molded in multiple colours with foil stickers provided for extra markings.
SKU 4573102592415
Shipping Weight 1.0000kg
Shipping Width 0.450m
Shipping Height 0.250m
Shipping Length 0.650m
Shipping Cubic 0.073125000m3

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